
Guilherme Sousa

Data Engineer/Software Developer

About Me

Hi. I'm Guilherme, I'm a software developper and data engineer, nice to meet you!

After graduating with a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering (IST, University Of Lisbon), I've worked for over 5 years for companies such as Thales, Airbus and FittingBox, on projects ranging from AI chatbots to mobile developpment. I now work remotely as a freelance, solving problems with great code.

Interested in working together? Get in touch!


Some other tools and librairies that I've worked with:


Technical Lead


As a member of the R&D team, I work on the design and implementation of solutions to improve the Virtual Glasses TryOn experience of our users.

Multiplatform C++ Development Implemented FittingBox's AR solutions for native, HTML and iOS platforms

Techical Lead Responsible for the R&D python codebase quality, architecture and deliverables

R&D Engineer

Liberty Rider

Used data analysis and Machine Learning algorithms to study and deploy improvements to Liberty Rider's accident detection solution.

Data Scientist Consultant


As a member of the SII Big Data team, I worked as a data scientist consultant on two separate Airbus projects

Free Maintenance Solution using Voice Recognition, Voice Synthesis and Natural Language Processing to facilitate the workflow of maintenance operators

ATA42 Log Analysis Framework for data processing of maintenance logs for root cause prediction and automatic analysis

Software Developer


Worked as an embedded software developer of the Flight Warning System for the Sukhoi SuperJet and ATR models.

Seoftware Developer


Worked as an embedded software developer of the Flight Warning System for the Sukhoi SuperJet and ATR models.

ENAC - Toulouse

MSc research internship

Developped at the MAIAA (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Automation) department of ENAC a non-linear controller for commercial aircraft using neural networks and machine learning, allowing it to follow 4D trajectories, facilitating air traffic control. You can read my thesis here.


Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon

Sept 2016 - June 2017

MSc of Avionics and Systems


Feb 2016 - June 2016

ERASMUS program in Paris

Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon

Sept 2012 - July 2015

Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering


Teaching a computer to play Flappy Birds

Open-source project using reinforcement learning algorithms to teach an AI to play arcade games through trial and error. Implemented using Tensorflow & Keras, with Deep Deteministic Policy Gradient and Deep Q Networks algorithms.

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This website

Making this website was my first contact with the world of web developpment, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON. It gave me an elegant and simple way of presenting me and some of my work to those who could be interested by it. Feel free to use the link to the repository below and modify it to make your own webpage!

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